
学术预告:Environment Based Design~and Creative Design

发布日期:2015-07-07 发表者:辛西 浏览次数:

报告题目:Environment Based Design (EBD) Methodology for Innovative and Creative Design

报告人:Dr. Yong Zeng



摘要:The objective of design is to create a product that fulfillsprescribed product requirements. The product can be a software system, amachine, a plan, or a policy. Therefore, design, especially innovative andcreative design, affects greatly every part of our everyday life. In this talk, a new design methodologyEnvironment Based Design will be introduced for a step-by-step procedure tosupport the generation of innovative and creative design solutions. Thisincludes its semantic foundation – ROM (RecursiveObject Model) and its three components using ROM –Environment Analysis, Conflict Identification, and Solution Generation.Examples will be given to show how EBD has been applied to different industrialsectors. Future trends in this research will also be discussed.

作者简介:Dr. Yong Zeng is a professor in the Concordia Institute forInformation Systems Engineering at Concordia University. He was the CanadaResearch Chair (Tier II) in design science from 2004 to 2014. Prior to joiningin Concordia in August 2003, he was a research associate in the IntegratedManufacturing Technologies Institute at the National Research Council of Canadafor two years after he received his Ph.D. from Department of Mechanical andManufacturing Engineering at the University of Calgary in 2001. Zeng’sresearch aims to understand and improve creative design activities, whichcrosses engineering design, artistic creation, computer science, managementscience, linguistics, neurocognitive science, mathematical science, andepistemology. He has proposed a new design theory called Environment BasedDesign (the book is to be published by Springer). Specific topics of hisresearch include the science of design, methodology for innovative and creativedesign, neurocognitive model of design creativity, computer-aided conceptualdesign, and interplay between linguistics and design creativity. He has beendeveloping formal and experimental approaches to design research. He is aCo-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science(published by IOS), Associate Editor of International Journal of ProductDevelopment (published by Inderscience), and an editorial board member ofComputers in Industry (by Elsevier). He collaborates and consults withaerospace industry, medical device design companies, construction companies,recruitment industry, and municipality for the applications of his researchresults.