Integrating Bioinformatic and Computational Approach into Biomedical Research
报告人:Zhijun LiPhD
In this talk, I'll discuss our integrated research in three directions. First, I'll talk about our long-term effort in method development and application of protein structure modeling; Second, I'll discuss our recent effort in developing PyMine, a computational tool for chemical and biological data intergration and its application in computer-aided molecular design. Finally, if time allows, I'll briefly present a collaborative project for protein function prediction.
版权所有:太阳集团成 - 太阳成集团官网 地址:湖北省武汉市南湖狮子山街一号 邮编:430070
联系电话:027-87288509 人才招聘电话:027-87286876 电子邮件:coi@mail.hzau.edu.cn 新闻投稿邮箱:coi-xinwen@mail.hzau.edu.cn