
教育思想大讨论专题报告:Towards a Framework for ......Environment

发布日期:2015-05-08 发表者:辛西 浏览次数:



报告人:Alex Chengyu Fang(方称宇)

报告题目:Towards a Framework for a First-Class University Teaching and Learning Environment

Alex Chengyu Fang简介:

Dr Alex Chengyu Fangobtained his PhD degree in linguistics from University College London (UCL). Heis currently Associate Professor in Corpus Linguistics and ComputationalLinguistics at the Dept of Linguistics and Translation in City University of HongKong. He is the founding director of the Dialogue Systems Group (http://dsg.ctl.cityu.edu.hk) and also AdjunctProfessor at the School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Aeronautics andAstronautics University. An expert member of the Chinese delegation,International Organization for Standardization, he is also a member of theChina National Technical Committee for Terminology Standardization(中國全國術語標準化技術委員會). With a research and publication track record of over 100monographs, book chapters, journal articles and internationally peer-reviewedconference proceedings, he serves as reviewer and scientific committee memberof over 20 major international journals and conferences in computationallinguistics and language engineering. His recent research interests cover thefollowing specific areas: (1) identification and extraction of linguisticfeatures, grammatical as well as syntactic, pertaining to text registers andgenres, (2) identification and extraction of linguistic features pertaining tocommunicative functions of spoken utterances known as “dialogue acts”, (3) linguistic approachesto term recognition and extraction, focusing on the use of grammatical andsyntactic features, and (4) voice-enabled interface to information retrieval.


