

发布日期:2015-05-15 发表者:辛西 浏览次数:




报告人:杨祎 博士

杨祎博士简介 :

杨祎,女,于2010年8月在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得计算机科学与工程博士学位。2010年8月至2013年6月期间,她在美国首都华盛顿的天主教大学从事科研与教学工作,主管网络安全项目。2013年夏至今,她在美国圣路易斯芳邦大学主管计算机安全以及计算机科学方面的教学及科研工作,现任计算机系终身教授制助理教授。她的主要研究兴趣是计算机与网络安全以及网络管理。她曾在美国顶级网络安全会议及期刊发表英文论文20余篇,包括ACM Mobihoc,IEEE Infocom, ACM WiSec, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security(TISSEC), IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, ACM Transactions on SensorNetworks, 等等。她曾担任美国国家自然科学基金项目评审委员会成员,并现任COLLA(International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems andApplications) 和 IEEECollaborateCom会议编委。她也曾为多个网络及安全会议和期刊审稿,比如ACMCCS, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE MASS, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication. 2013年美国天主教大学工程学院授予她BurnsFaculty Fellowship。她也曾在2008年获得美国宾州州立大学ResearchAssistant Award。


Becauseof cost and resource constraints, sensor nodes do not have a complicated hardwarearchitecture or operating system to protect program safety. Hence, thenotorious buffer-overflow vulnerability that has caused numerous Internet wormattacks could also be exploited to attack sensor networks. We call themalicious code that exploits a buffer-overflow vulnerability in a sensorprogram sensor worm. Clearly, sensor worm will be a serious threat when anattacker could simply send a single packet to compromise the entire sensornetwork. Despite its importance, so far little work has focused on sensorworms.

Inthis work, we first illustrate the feasibility of launching sensor worms throughtrial experiments on Mica2 motes. Inspired by the survivability throughheterogeneity philosophy, we then explore the technique of software diversityto combat sensor worms. Given a limited number of software versions, we designan efficient algorithm to assign the appropriate version of software to eachsensor, so that sensor worms are restrained from propagation. We also examinethe impact of sensor node deployment errors on worm propagation, which directsthe selection of our system parameters based on percolation theory. We thenextend the above scheme by considering enhanced sensors that can load multipleprogram versions. We show that the existence of enhanced sensors could furtherimprove the immunity and robustness of sensor networks under worm attacks.Finally, extensive analytical and simulation results confirm the effectivenessof our schemes in various settings.
