
2023第14期Happy Hour:Some Recent Progress on Robust Graph Representation Learning

发布日期:2023-10-19 发表者:陈治国 浏览次数:

2023第14期/总第80期Happy Hour

报告人:Dr. Jiamou Liu
报告题目:Some Recent Progress on Robust  Graph Representation Learning
Liu Jiamou currently serves as а Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland. He has previously worked as аresearcher at MicrosoftResearch Asia and LeipzigUniversity. At the University of Auckland, he establishedthe LIUAILab, and his research interests include multi-graph data analysis, multi-agent intelligent systems, andnatural language processing. Hе has published over 120academic papers in well-known conferences and journalsin the field of artificial intelligence and related areas, suchas NeurIPS, ICML, WWW, SIGIR, AAAI, IJCAI, AAMAS, andhas received multiple grants from the Royal Society ofNew Zealand.
